Gender Equality in Employment and Vacational Training Committee

Gender Equality Committee in Employment and Vocational Education is hereby established and consists of:
(a) a chairman of high moral standing and recognised work and contribution in the field of the equality between men and women, appointed by the Minister;
(b) a representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance;
(c) a representative of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order;
(d) a representative of the Public Service and Personnel;
(e) a representative of each organisation of employers, which is a member of the Labour Advisory Board;
(f) a representative of each organisation of workers, which is a member of the Labour Advisory Board.

Competences of the Committee.
Section 23.— (1) The Committee shall have competences to deal with the matters falling within the objects and scope of application of this Law.
(2) Notwithstanding the generality of the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the Committee may:
(a) advise on the determination or revision of the national policy in the matters falling within the scope of its powers;
(b) advise or make recommendations for the introduction or revision of the relevant legislation;
(c) monitor the implementation of this Law by the competent Service of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance;
(d) make recommendations for the introduction of measures and the implementation of programmes for the promotion of the equality of genders within the scope of its powers;
(e) promote the carrying-out of studies and research, including the collection of statistical data on any matter falling within the scope of its powers;
(f) submit to the Minister the conclusions of its studies and research, and the recommendations that are based on these conclusions;
(g) give advice free of charge to any person who request it, on any matters related to the equality of genders, which fall within the scope of its powers;
(h) cooperate with the competent services of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance;
(i) draft and submit to the Minister an annual report of its activities;
(j) submit complaints ex officio, or receive complaints which are transmitted to the Chief Inspector for the appropriate handling and for which the Committee should constantly be informed:
Provided that, the above obligation to transmit to the Chief Inspector for the appropriate handling any complaint submitted to the Committee, does not apply in case the Committee provides independent assistance to the victims of discrimination according to the provisions of paragraph (k) of this subsection;
(k) provide independent assistance to the victims of discrimination when they report a discrimination, without prejudice to the right of the victims, unions, organisations or other legal entities referred to in section 18Α:
Provided that the nature, the type, the content and the procedure of independent assistance shall be determined by Regulations made under section 34, which are submitted to the House of Representatives for approval;
(l) assist employers in preparing and adopting a code of conduct and investigates whether such code has been adopted and implemented by the employers and whether the workers have been informed;
(m) provide training to employers and workers on matters of their competences.